Congratulations to our Malaysian Factory Team Driver Azri Amri for scoring a strong second at the inaugural Arrowmax Cup Malaysia Round 1!

xpress xq1 driver azri amri

Credit : Red RC

The opening round of the Arrowmax Cup Malaysia was held at the Kota Raja RC Arena in Klang, Malaysia. The event attracted 50 entries for the three classes of Touring 13.5T Boosted, Touring 13.5T Blinky, and Formula. The premier 13.5T Boosted category saw the battle between Wong Kok Wai and Michael Lo for the TQ spot from the get go, with the two drivers being the only ones to dip into the 15-seconds laps. For the 13.5T Blinky class it was Dino Sidhu who set the pace with 16-seconds laps while in Formula it was Eric Ang who lead the proceedings. Finally the TQs went to Wong Kok Wai in Boosted, to Dino in Blinky and Eric in Formula.

In the finals it was not smooth sailing for Wong Kok Wai as he lost the opening A-main to Michael Lo, while both Wong Kok Wai and Michael Lo tangled in the opening lap of A2, allowing Azri Amri to take the round with Wong Kok Wai ending in 3rd. With a 2nd and 3rd for Wong Kok Wai, 1st and 7th for Michael Lo and a 1st and 10th for Azri, the winner of A3 would get it all. In the end it was Wong Kok Wai who prevailed, Azri Amri taking 2nd and Michael Lo taking 3rd in A3, meaning that the overall saw Wong in front of Azri and Michael.

Boosted 13.5T final results: 1. Wong Kok Wai – Awesomatix 2. Azri Amri – Xpress 3. Michael Lo – Awesomatix 4. Norazam – Yokomo 5. Shahrin – Yokomo 6. Dr. Bill Wong – Awesomatix 7. Roslan KR – Xray 8. Michael Lim – Xray 9. Nazmi Nizal – Yokomo 10.Kew SauGie – Awesomatix

Arrowmax亞洲聯賽在馬來西亞揭開序幕,馬來西亞首站賽事於 Klang的 Kota Raja RC Arena舉行。賽事吸引了 50位賽員同場角逐三個組別,包括電房 13.5T Boosted、電房 13.5T閃燈組和方程式組別的桂冠。在競爭最為激烈的 13.5T Boosted組別中,Wong Kok Wai與 Michael Lo在 TQ名譽的爭持上十分激烈,只有他們能做出 16秒內的最快圈速。在 13.5T閃燈組別中 Dino Sidhu優勢明顯,亦只有他能把圈速推進 17秒內。方程式組別則以 Eric Ang為領頭羊。最終 Boosted組別的 TQ屬於 Wong Kok Wai,而 Dino及 Eric亦分別取得各自組別的 TQ。

三輪的決賽對於 Wong Kok Wai來說絕不輕鬆:首輪 A組決賽敗於 Michael Lo,次輪在首圈與 Michael 的碰撞讓後上的 Azri Amri勝出,Wong只能收得一席第三。兩輪過後,Wong的得分為一場第二、一場第三,Michael則為一場第一、一場第七,而 Azri則為一場第一、一場第十,所以誰勝出第三輪就會成為本站的冠軍。最終第三輪由 Wong勝出,Azri得到第二名而 Michael只能取得第三名。結果總成績與第三輪的成績一樣,Wong Kok Wai奪得冠軍。

Credit : Red RC