Congratulations to our Malaysian Factory Team Driver Azri Amri for scoring modified class A1 & TQ at the Arrowmax Asia Race Cup 2017, Malaysia!

Azri, "Alhamdulillah.......i manage to get TQ and win arrowmax cup round 2. The car was good with totally new setup, i learn more this time of the car. Congrats to Mr Roslan made to the A main final for the 1st time drive Xpress. Many thanks to all my sponsors"

xpress xq1 malaysia azri Photo Credit : Red RC



Source:Red RC
After the success of the opening round of the Arrowmax Asia Race Cup in Malaysia, round 2 would be even better. With 8 heats in total, the race was threatened by rain all day long, however the schedule was followed to a tee as the organisers wanted to finish as much racing as possible just in case the heavens did open up. After four rounds of qualifying it was Azri Amri who secured the TQ position in the Boosted 13.5T class


Arrowmax亞洲杯首站在馬來西亞成功舉辦後,更爲精彩的第二站已拉開序幕。比賽共有8場預賽,整個賽程都受到降雨的威脅,但主辦方仍按計劃執行,寄望完成儘可能多的比賽並且天氣能夠放晴。四輪預賽過後,Azri Amri穩奪Bossted 13.5T組TQ,以下爲四輪預賽後的排名:

Boosted 13.5T: 1. Azri Amri (Xpress XQ1) 2. Jackie Siow 3. Norazam

Xpress XQ1 RC Car Arrowmax Cup

Xpress XQ1 RC Car Arrowmax Cup

Xpress XQ1 RC Car Arrowmax Cup

Xpress XQ1 RC Car Arrowmax Cup

Xpress XQ1 RC Car Arrowmax Cup

Xpress XQ1 RC Car Arrowmax Cup

Xpress XQ1 RC Car Arrowmax Cup

Xpress XQ1 RC Car Arrowmax Cup