Our malaysian representative: Azri finished a strong second at the Xpress X Orca Championship 2022 over the weekend. We'll have a look at his Execute XQ10R and another local racer Zaki's Arrow AT1!

Quick over of Azri's XQ10R with his trophy in the background. The X-Square low profile top bulkheads should be no stranger to everyone now. Also some bling aluminum tunbuckles and screws.

Side view of the Floating Servo and Electronics tray mount to keep things flexing nice. 

You can see the front brass piece tucked neatly underneath the spool to keep the center of gravity low.

Shimming the rear suspension mounts high to give more steering.

Here we have Zaki's Arrow AT1 which he used to finish a strong 3rd place.

Four screws instead of the usual 8 for more flex in the chassis for more grip.

Top view of his car, opting for the XOC rear system for more control over how the car reacts and behaves in the corner.