Felix Law @2021.01.12

Here is a RECAP Review of the $400 & under RC chassis. Well, in 2020 due to price increase in all shipping, technical i have to change it to $180. But it still a budget high performance chassis in compare to all the big brand name. There are many things I do like about the car. But the stock car is only able to satisfy some of the condition that I have. But with some optional tuning option, it its a pretty competitive On road chassis.

Also it's all about 4wd vs FWD, who won?

check out the video and leave some comments of what you guys think.

Xpress FT1s 2020 四驅車 VS 頭驅車
Felix Law @2021.01.12

這個是廣東話版的 Xpress FT1 2020 測試感想, 必買升級零件 & 零件組裝心得.
這也是四驅車 VS 頭驅車