By Felix Law @ 2021.01.08

Here is a RECAP Review of the $400 & under RC chassis. Well, in 2020 due to price increase in all shipping, technical i have to change it to $500. But it still a budget high performance chassis in compare to all the big brand name.

There are many things I do like about the car. But the stock car is only able to satisfy some of the condition that I have. But with some optional tuning option, it its a pretty competitive On road chassis.

check out the video and leave some comments of what you guys think.

Xpress XQ10 2020 測試感想 & 必買升級零件
By Felix Law @ 2021.01.08

這個是廣東話版的 Xpress XQ10 2020 測試感想, 必買升級零件 & 零件組裝心得. 因為我離開了香港一段時間,所以冇拍廣東話版的 Videos, 但是香港的朋友經常同我留言, 所以今集要拍 希望大家喜歡,