Our new Xpress Touring car "EXECUTE XQ1" prototype joined the TRC modify competition in Feb 26 to test the performance. We are very pleased that our Team drivers Hay got A1 & TQ, and Mr Ray got A3 in final.

The "EXECUTE XQ1" still have room for improvement, our R&D team is still working hard to make as perfect as we can before production. We understand it's a long long & hard hard way to go to execute our racing passion, but Team Xpress will do our best!

xpress execute xq1

xpress execute xq1

xpress execute xq1

xpress execute xq1

xpress execute xq1

xpress execute xq1

execute xq1

execute xq1

xpress xq1

execute xq1 rc

xq1 rc car

rc xpress xq1

rc xpress touring car

execute rc car

xpress execute xq1